26.9.2020 European Spiritist Life Philosophy Gathering                                                                                                     2020 


(Finnish time)

15:45-16:00     Zoom meeting room open

16:00-16:15     Welcome and opening words – (Pekka Kaarakainen, Finland)

16:15-16:30     Hello from each participant (name and location)

16:30-16:50     PRESENTATION: What is the International Spiritist Council and what are

                        their actions and plans to support Spiritism in Europe? - (Jussara

                        Korngold, USA)

16:50-17:10     Questions and responses regarding the topic above

17:10-17:25     Importance of good quality translations of Spiritist literature into local

                        language (Charles Kempf, France)

17:25-17:40     Questions and responses regarding the topic above

17:40-18:00     Coffee break

18:00-18:30     Short presentation regarding Spiritist study groups

                         (Elsa Rossi, UK & Stevan Bertozzo, Ireland)

  • how study group started
  • what study groups are performed
  • good experiences & lessons learned

18:30-19:00     Questions and responses regarding the topic above

19:00-19:25     How is assistance to persons looking for help offered today?

(Rejane Planer, Austria & Ingo Meyer, Germany)

19:25-19:45     Questions and responses regarding the topic above

19:45-20:00     Closing words and final prayer